The National Redress Scheme

The National Redress Scheme is a response to the abuse experienced by children in orphanages, children’s homes, schools, churches and other religious organisations, sports clubs, disability service organisations, social services and other organisations.

Download the brochure

If you experienced abuse as a child you may be entitled to:

How we can help

We help people in the ACT and NSW South Coast to apply for an acknowledgement, apology, payment and free legal advice through the Scheme, and gain access to counselling.

To keep you safe and in control, we use trauma informed practices to help you with your application. We will discuss your options with you and help you to write a personal statement that details the abuse, and how this has impacted your life.

We are your advocates

ADACAS is a not for profit, independent human rights organisation that provides free support to complete your Redress Application. ADACAS also provides individual advocacy for people with disability and/or mental ill-health living in Canberra and regions across NSW. We ensure your voice is being heard on matters that are important to you and we can be your contact with the Redress Scheme.

ADACAS is an inclusive organisation that welcomes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, those where English is not their first language and people from the LGBTIQA+ community. 

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