Are you someone with a disability or do you know someone with a disability who needs help to address a problem or injustice relating to a service provided by, or funded by, the New South Wales (NSW) Government.

- Education (primary and high schools or TAFE)
- Health (hospital, community or mental health)
- Transport (public transport arrangements or community transport)
- Housing (temporary or permanent, government programs, domestic abuse escape)
- Engagement with the child protection or community services (Family support services)
- Justice system (Police, courts or prison)
- Trustee and guardianship.
Who we are
ADACAS is an inclusive organisation that welcomes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, those where English is not their first language and people from the LGBTIQA+ community.
Connect with our team, or to ask them questions about how they can help you.
Where we operate
ADACAS has a head office in Canberra and can support people with disability across regional NSW in areas that span the Murrumbidgee, Southern NSW and Illawarra-Shoalhaven Local Health Districts. An ADACAS Advocate can generally meet you in your local area.