Older Persons Healthcare

We cover specialist health service providers who work with older persons below. You can find information on COVID testing, low cost and bulk billing medical and dental health providers, and drug and alcohol programs on our Looking after your Physical Health page.

ADACAS Looking after your Physical Health page

The Aged Care Assessment Team

The Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) assesses and identifies the care needs of frail, older residents of the ACT and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents over 50 years old. To be eligible you must be medically stable and need a level of care that is unavailable from other community or aged care services.

Phone My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 for a referral to ACAT

Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Clinics

ACT Health conducts comprehensive assessments of ACT residents over the age of 65 for issues including falls, polypharmacy, frailty and cognitive impairment. You need a referral from your GP to attend these clinics.

Memory Assessment Clinic

The Memory Assessment Clinic provides early diagnosis, treatment, advice and referral services for people living in the ACT who have a cognitive impairment. To be eligible you must be medically stable, able to attend an outpatient clinic and experiencing either early or rapid onset cognitive decline, possible frontotemporal dementia or cognitive decline associated with a movement disorder.

Phone 5124 2926

Rapid Assessment of the Deteriorating Aged at Risk (RADAR)

RADAR is a multi-disciplinary response program supporting older ACT residents. You must be aged over 65 years, or over 45 years if you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person, and have suffered a decline in function that your doctor thinks may result in a hospital admission within the next 2 weeks. RADAR provides rapid medical treatment to help you remain at home and aims to prevent future hospital admissions. You need a referral from your GP to access the program.

Phone 5124 8293

Palliative Care

The following two organisations provide palliative care to the Canberra region:

Clare Holland House

Clare Holland House on Lake Burley Griffin provides care to patients with life threatening illnesses. Hospice services are available to patients on site and outreach services are available to patients in their homes and in residential settings.

Phone 6264 7300

Leo’s Place

Leo’s Place provides non-clinical respite for people with a life-limiting illness and their carers. Leo’s Place offers both overnight and day respite options, and support for carers. Those visiting must be able to administer their own medications.

Phone 6171 2290

Older Persons Mental Health

We cover specialist mental health service providers who work with older persons in the Canberra region below. You can find providers of in-person, telephone and online mental health counselling services, and where to look online for mental health information and resources on our Looking after your Mental Health page.

ADACAS Looking after your Mental Health page

Older Persons Mental Health Community Team

The Older Persons Mental Health Team helps older Canberrans who are experiencing moderate to severe mental illness. The Team provides help to people who are:

• 65 years old or older
• Aboriginal and aged over 50 years
• a person with younger onset of ageing
• living in a nursing home.

The Team will assess your needs by speaking with you and your carers on the phone, and a longer face to face assessment will be offered if needed. Ongoing support is available if required.

Phone 5124 1980

Address Brindabella Outpatient’s Centre, University of Canberra Hospital

Older Persons Mental Health Inpatient Unit

The Older Persons Mental Health Inpatient Unit at Calvary Hospital provides care and treatment to older persons experiencing psychiatric, emotional or behavioural disturbance. Admission to the Unit is by referral only.

Phone 6264 7000

Health Planning for Older Persons

Planning in advance for your future healthcare gives you the opportunity to think about and record your choices for medical treatment that is consistent with your values, beliefs and preferences. There are three ways you can record your choices for future health care in the ACT:

  • complete an Enduring Power of Attorney
  • complete an Advance Care Plan Statement of Choices – Competent Person
  • complete a Health Direction.

Advanced Care Planning Australia provides more information on each of these options on their website.

Advanced Care Planning Australia website

The following organisations can support you to plan for your future health care: