Complaints about My Aged Care Services

Below we cover the organisations that can help with complaints an older person might need to make. Please see our general Complaints page to find:

  • guidelines about how to resolve a complaint with a service provider
  • organisations that can help you resolve other complaints.

ADACAS Complaints page  

The following organisations may be able to help you resolve an older person related complaint:

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission approves and regulates aged care services nationally, and resolve complaints about aged care services. You can make a complaint online, in writing and by phone.

Phone 1800 951 822
Translating and Interpreting Service 131 450
Address Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, GPO Box 9819, Canberra ACT 2600

My Aged Care

You have the right to make a complaint about the information, service or care you receive from My Aged Care. Complaints can be made by phone, online or in writing.

Phone 1800 200 422
Address My Aged Care Complaints, PO Box 1237, Runaway Bay, Queensland 4216

Complaint about an experience with a Regional Assessment Service

If you have concerns about your home support assessment experience, you should first contact your RAS assessor. If you are not happy with the way the assessor wants to resolve the complaint, you should then contact My Aged Care.

Phone 1800 200 422

Complaint about a Regional Assessment Service decision

If you have concerns about the outcome of your home support assessment, you should first contact your RAS assessor. If you are not happy with the way the assessor wants to resolve the complaint, you should then contact My Aged Care.

Phone 1800 200 422

Complaint about an experience with an Aged Care Assessment Team

If you have concerns about your assessment experience, you should first contact your ACAT assessor. If you do not get an outcome you are happy with, you should ask the Assessor for the details of the ACT Government Manager and contact them.

Complaint about an Aged Care Assessment Team decision

If you have concerns about the outcome of your ACAT assessment, you should first contact your ACAT assessor. If you do not get an outcome you are happy with, you can request a review of the decision within 28 days of receiving your outcome letter.

Address The Secretary, Department of Health, Attn: Aged Care Assessment Program Reconsiderations, GPO Box 9848, Adelaide, South Australia 5001

Complaint about the review of an Aged Care Assessment Team decision

If you are not happy with the outcome of a review of an ACAT decision by the Department of Health, you can ask for an external review of the decision by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). You will need the assistance of an advocate and a lawyer at the AAT.