Childhood Trauma Counselling

Counselling services offering supports to persons who have experienced childhood trauma include:

Child at Risk Health Unit (CARHU)

CARHU provides medical examinations, health screenings, education, consultations and therapy for all ACT children and their families or carers where there are concerns of child abuse and neglect. The service is free for Medicare and Asylum Seeker cardholders. CARHU is located at the Canberra Hospital.

Phone 5124 2712

Blue Knot Foundation

The Blue Knot Foundation provides counselling, education and research services for survivors of childhood trauma. Services are also available to adults who have experienced complex trauma.

Phone 1300 657 380 Monday to Sunday 9am – 5pm

National Counselling and Referral Service (NCRS)

NCRS provides counselling for people living with disability and their family and carers who have experienced, or are currently experiencing abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation. Counselling is also provided for people living with disability who are distressed or anxious about coronavirus, or are affected by the Disability Royal Commission.

Phone 1800 421 468 7 days

Survivors and Mate Support Network (SAMSN)

SAMSN provides counselling for male survivors of child sexual abuse and their families as part of their wrap around support services.

Phone 1800 4 SAMSN or 1800 472 676


Bravehearts provides specialist counselling for people affected by child sexual assault and exploitation. Bravehearts also provides support and advice about how to proceed if someone you know discloses a sexual assault.

Phone 1800 272 831

Australian Childhood Foundation

The Australian Childhood Foundation provides counselling services to children who have experienced abuse, neglect and family violence. The Foundation also offers training and resources for professionals.

Phone 1300 381 581

Australian Childhood Trauma Group

The Australian Childhood Trauma Group provides comprehensive therapeutic support for infants, children and young adults who have experienced trauma, abuse or family disruption. They also offer capacity building programs for schools and agencies. They employ a wrap around support model by including the adults close to the child in their therapeutic services.

Phone 1300 034 503

Child Migrant Trust

The Child Migrant Trust provides professional counselling services to former British child migrants and their family members. Find out more about the Trust’s services

Phone 1800 04 05 09 or 03 9815 2022