Join the Team

ADACAS is an “equal opportunity” employer.  We believe our support and advocacy for clients is made stronger by employing people who have a variety of skills and life experiences. Our employment policies and practices do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of:

  • age
  • gender identity
  • sexual orientation
  • pregnancy
  • disability
  • race, colour, ethnic or ethno-religious background, descent or nationality
  • marital status and
  • carer’s responsibilities.

People with these protected attributes are encouraged to apply for any position at ADACAS.

We offer attractive employment conditions including family-friendly working arrangements, salary packaging and many opportunities for professional development.

Work With Us

We employ people who are committed to promoting, protecting and defending the rights and welfare of people who have disability, mental ill health and are aged, and are made vulnerable because of the barriers they face in our society.


From time to time we have internship placements, contact us to register your interest in an internship.